Friday, March 10, 2006

Eye Had a Bad Day

On Wednesday I went to 20/20 Eyeglass Superstore on 436 to get an exam and new glasses... I love that place!.. Everyone is so nice, and the chick that helped me on Wednesday looks just like Katie, except that she's Russian... and possibly albino... She was extremely helpful, I love it when they are really honest about whether or not the frames are flattering.

Russian Albino Katie complimented my looooong hair, and I told her I'm getting ready to cut it all off and donate it to Locks Of Love... She'd never heard of it, and when I explained it was a group that made free/low-cost wigs for children who lose their hair, she looked at me -- kind of horrified -- and told me I should just buy a kid a wig and keep my beautiful hair... Ha!

So, after picking out cool new frames/sunglasses, they talked me into trying some new Coopervision contacts, which are supposed to be good for people who have eye problems... Boy, do eye have problems!.. Sorry... I don't think they really understood the extent of my eye issues, but they gave me a free trial pair and told me to give 'em a try.

I wore them for about 6 hours and then took them out, even though they felt fine... My eyes were fine for the rest of the day -- I used my super-fabulous TheraTears gel several times, and my eyes seemed very happy.

Then yesterday morning they didn't feel as good... Extremely bloodshot, very sensitive to light, a little gloopy... Driving to work at 7am I repeatedly got hit in the face with the rising sunlight, like some terrible cornea-targeting laser of pain and blindness... My eyes were watering and burning so bad I had trouble even keeping them open.

I made it to work -- I probably shouldn't have been driving -- and stayed long enough to cover until the next person was able to take over for me...

So I stayed home all afternoon in a dark room, putting drops in my eyes and being really bored... In order to really rest my eyes, I didn't go on the computer or watch tv or read..... I cleaned, I made low-calorie muffins, and I took a nap. I called my sweetie to complain about how bored I was, I watered plants, I took another nap.

I feel much better today -- even sitting at work in front of the computer under flourescent lights, my eyes are doing pretty well.

I think I'll throw out those contacts, though.
